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Senior Defense Official and Senior Military Official Hold a Background Briefing, 29 July
anonymous contributors to Shaespearian Russian War of Aggression "transcript"
Named free press in order of appearance: NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, Reuters, Fox News, CNN, USNI (US Naval Institute), Bloomberg, Air Force Magazine, VOA, Politico
SENIOR MILITARY OFFICIAL:...So anyways, we'll see where this goes but I would just tell you, as you approach this in your reporting, you know, we'll find the right side of this but I wouldn't believe it's the Russians right away.

Q: Sure. And an unrelated question, because I don't think this is just a Ukraine briefing. I know you can't talk about what Speaker Pelosi may or may not do but can you say, or I think you can say. but has there been any military -- U.S. military assets, either ships or aircraft, moved near Taiwan in recent days?...

archived Facts About Smith-Mundt Modernization
by Cat on Wed Aug 3rd, 2022 at 12:50:11 PM EST
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