Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
v1 euronews | Scholz 'calls Putin's bluff' over turbine at centre of gas dispute with Russia
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz inspected a mechanical turbine at the centre of a natural gas dispute and declared on Wednesday that "there are no problems" with the part besides information from Russia's state-controlled gas company.
The turbine is now stored at a Siemens Energy facility in Germany's western city of Mülheim an der Ruhr.
"There is nothing standing in the way of its transport on to Russia -- other than that the Russian recipients have to say that they want to have the turbine, and give the necessary information for the customs transport to Russia," the chancellor continued. "All other permits are there -- that goes for the permit from Germany, the permit from the European Union, from the United Kingdom, from Canada. There are no problems."
v2 volDemORT | Turbine manufacturer explains Russian gas supply shortfall
Only one turbine is currently operational at the facility, Siemens Energy CEO Christian Bruch said on Wednesday, while five turbines are needed for the natural gas pipeline to pump at 100% capacity. Bruch's comments come after the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited a Siemens Energy site in north-western Germany, where the firm is keeping a turbine that was due to be returned to Russia after repairs in Canada.

"It is in our best interest, with support from the German government, to return this turbine to Russia," Bruch said.

Reuters | Nord Stream gas row deepens as Gazprom airs new complaints on turbine, 29 July
customer complaint: "the serial numbers of three other engines"
by Cat on Wed Aug 3rd, 2022 at 07:20:40 PM EST
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