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Dawn | Who contributed to PTI's prohibited funds?, 2 Aug PTI indicted
In a case that dragged on for more than seven years, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) ruled on Tuesday that the PTI had indeed received funding from prohibited sources.

The ECP has concluded that the PTI "knowingly received and accepted" donations from 351 foreign companies and 34 foreign nationals via two limited liability companies (LLCs) based in the US, in violation of Pakistani law, as well as from various other prohibited sources in Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries.

Here's a list of prohibited funding sources listed in the ECP judgement.

uh oh
Dawn | ECP's damning judgement of Capt. Khan! KHAN!!, 3 Aug
ARE we witnessing the fall of Icarus, the figure from Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun and perished?
Now the PTI must wait to see how the federal government takes the matter forward, while it does all it can to appeal to the court of public opinion. It is difficult to predict how this pitch will play, given that in Pakistan the game isn't always played by the rules.
by Cat on Wed Aug 3rd, 2022 at 11:10:20 PM EST
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