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Roll Call | Senate appropriators want $4 billion for ships Navy didn't seek, 4 Aug NDAA of 2023
"Winslow Wheeler, a former Senate aide who also served as an assistant director at the Government Accountability Office, said the additional ship spending is now a routine part of what he called "a profoundly corrupt, but technically legal, DOD funding system.""

James M. Inhofe [!] National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023

Sec. 121. DDG(X) destroyer program.
Sec. 123. Block buy contracts for Ship-to-Shore Connector program.
Sec. 124. Procurement authorities for John Lewis [!]-class fleet replenishment oiler ships.
Sec. 125. Tomahawk cruise missile capability on FFG-62 class vessels.
Sec. 126. Navy shipbuilding workforce development initiative.
(1) Covered program.--The term "covered program" means the DDG(X) destroyer program.
(2) Eligible shipbuilder.--The term "eligible shipbuilder'' means any of the following:
(A) General Dynamics Bath Iron Works. [ME]
(B) Huntington Ingalls Incorporated, Ingalls Shipbuilding division. [AL]
by Cat on Thu Aug 4th, 2022 at 10:20:15 PM EST
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