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wkiwtf 1914 "influence zones", or "over-seas territories," or colonies

MOFA strongly condemns China for launching multiple missiles into waters around Taiwan, 4 Aug
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) strongly condemns the Chinese government for following the example of North Korea in willfully test-firing missiles into waters near other countries, and demands that China exercise self-restraint.

MOFA urges the international community to condemn China's military coercion towards Taiwan. The Ministry also calls on countries around the globe to continue to speak up in support of democratic Taiwan in order to jointly safeguard the values of freedom and democracy, to maintain the rules-based international order, and to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference on August 4, 2022

Bloomberg: China often complains that too many in the West subscribe to what it calls the "China threat" narrative. But what would you say to those that will cite the military drills today, these missiles and weapons, as evidence of the threat that is posed by China?
Hua Chunying: Your question is a typical example of how certain people think in the West. This is an issue about fundamental facts and principles because it involves China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. ...
military fandom | Eight-Nation Alliance
The Eight-Nation Alliance was a multinational military coalition that invaded North China in 1900 to relieve the foreign legations [legio] in Beijing besieged by the popular Boxer militia determined to expunge foreign influence and government troops determined to defend China. The Allied forces consisted of approximately 45,000 troops from the eight nations of Germany, Japan, ["White"] Russia, Britain, France, the United States, Italy and Austria-Hungary. Neither the Chinese nor the foreign allies issued a formal declaration of war, and no treaty or formal agreement bound the Alliance together...
A Chronology Of The United States Marine Corp, 1947-1964
[1947] 6 Jan CHINA----President Truman directed that American participation in Peiping[sic]'s Executive Headquarters be ended. (Shaw, '68 ed., 20). The Committee of Three, consisting of representatives of the U.S., the Chinese NATIONALISTS, and the Chinese COMMUNISTS, maintained the Executive Head
30 Jan CHINA----The United States wrote off the unsuccessful efforts by General of the Army George C. Marshall to end the Civil War in China. The withdrawal of about 12,000 military personnel (including some 2,000 Marines) was ordered. (NY Times).
[1948] 13 Feb CHINA----The Chinese COMMUNISTS confirmed they had captured five U. S. Marines who had disappeared on Christmas day near Tsingtao while on ["]a hunting trip["]. PFC Charles J. Brayton, Jr. was fatally wounded, and the four survivors would be held until the U. S. Navy apologized. The five were accused of participating in the civil war.
16 Dec CHINA----According to Acting Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett, nothing had caused the U.S. Government to change its hands--off policy towards China's civil war. U.S. Marines would not go into action in Shanghai unless Americans were threatened.
21 Dec CHINA----The United States suspended long-term reconstruction financial aid [Lend-Lease] to China.
[1949] 5 Jan CHINA------Reports that United States Marines were being withdrawn from China were denied by Vice Admiral Badger, Commander, Western Pacific Fleet.
U.S. Marine Corps Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Vol IV, "The East-Central Front"
...Altogether, the United Nations forces in Korea numbered 444,336 men as of January 1951. The cosmopolitan character of the fight AGAINST COMMUNISM  is indicated by the aid given to the U.S. and ROK forces by contingents of combat troops from 13 other nations--Australia, Belgium, Canada, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Kingdom....
Taiwan's Secret Ally: US Seventh Fleet
by Cat on Fri Aug 5th, 2022 at 08:40:24 PM EST
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