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yahoo! Insider | Apple reportedly warned suppliers not to use 'made in Taiwan' labels on products to avoid angering China following Nancy Pelosi's visit, 5 Aug geographical indications
according to a report from Nikkei.

The tech company told its suppliers that products or parts made in Taiwan must be identified as made either in "Taiwan, China" or "Chinese Taipei" to avoid indicating that the island is independent of China, the Japanese business news outlet said.

According to Nikkei, Apple made the decision in order to avoid possible supply chain disruptions from Chinese scrutiny over the labels, especially as the company prepares to receive components from Taiwan that will be used for new products slated to launch later this year. Some iPhone components were held for review on Thursday to see whether the shipments were labeled to China's satisfaction, Nikkei reported....

Nikkei G7 | Flickering Shadow of the "New Axis" Great Power diplomacy that does not allow contradictions, Unable to break the bond between China and Russia, 5 Aug machine translation ...
Roasted liver is also shaken.
... writes itself, yo
by Cat on Sat Aug 6th, 2022 at 12:58:29 PM EST
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