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Politico.eu.com | Poland warns it will turn cannons* on the EU in rule of law dispute, 9 Aug ingrates
Poland's de facto [PiS] leader Jarosław Kaczyński is vowing that his government will take no further steps to meet the European Commission's rule of law demands to unlock €35 billion in grants and loans from the EU pandemic relief program.

"We have shown maximum goodwill, but concessions have yielded nothing," Kaczyński told the pro-government Sieci news portal. He insisted that Poland has met its side of a deal with Brussels to backtrack on some aspects of judicial system reforms in return for the EU cash, but the agreement was "broken" by the other side. "It's time to learn lessons," he added.
He sees the issue as part of a broader conspiracy aimed at subverting Poland and accused the Commission of trying "to break Poland and force it into full submission to Germany."

22 July Polish lawmakers eye lease of German nuclear power plants
"We do not fit into German-Russian plans to rule Europe," he warned. "An independent, economically, socially and militarily strong Poland is an obstacle for them."
US News | Poland Warns of Repercussions if Brussels Keeps Blocking Funds

* Krzysztof Sobolewski on radio Jedynka: "'we will have no choice but to pull out all the cannons in our arsenal' and respond 'an eye for an eye'"

by Cat on Tue Aug 9th, 2022 at 10:29:19 PM EST
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