Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
S&P Global | Ukraine's wheat exports slump 53% on year to 325,000 mt in MY 2022-23, 1 Aug comme ci, comme ça
As of July 29, Ukrainian farmers harvested 8 million mt wheat, down 52.7% on the year, according to ministry data. The data showed Ukraine had harvested around 16.9 million mt wheat till the same period last year.

The Ukrainian Grain Association has its Ukraine wheat output estimate for MY 2022-23 at 20.8 million mt, 37% below the previous year's level. The USDA, in its July World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report released July 12, pegged Ukraine's wheat harvest at 19.5 million mt in MY 2022-23. Platts Analytics sees Ukraine's wheat production in MY 2022-23 at 20 million-22 million mt.

S&P Global | Corn bulk ship leaves Chornomorsk port for South Korea; concerns over quality, 9 Aug
"For the case of Ocean Lion, there is a risk of being rejected as she was not loaded freshly recently. Part of the cargo was already loaded [prior to the invasion]," said a trader.

The aflatoxin content is an important specification requirement for corn arriving in South Korea.

"Aflatoxin is a critical toxin, if it is over 20 ppb, we cannot use it [for feed production] and will have to reject the cargo," said a South Korean feed buyer.

Earlier, the Razoni -- the first bulk ship to leave Ukraine's deepsea ports Aug. 1 -- did not arrive at Lebanon's Tripoli port as scheduled.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Lebanon has said that "the buyer in Lebanon refused to accept the cargo due to delays in delivery terms (more than 5 months). So, the shipper is looking for another consignee to offload his cargo either in Lebanon/Tripoli or any other country/port" via a post on the embassy's official Facebook page. The Razoni was carrying about 26,000 mt corn.

USDA | EU Grain Summer Update 2022, 29 July: "MY 2022/23 EU total grain production is forecast at 273.8 MMT, down from the 293.1 MMT estimated for the previous marketing year."
by Cat on Tue Aug 9th, 2022 at 10:57:44 PM EST
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