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RFERL | The Dead Of The 64th: A Notorious Russian Army Unit And Its High Casualty Rate, 10 Aug
In all, 44 soldiers and officers are shown on the wall, according to a photograph that was initially posted to the Russian social media site VK and confirmed by RFE/RL.

The wall does not say where they were killed, only that they were all awarded the prestigious Order of Courage. Aleksei Astashov, the man who posted the photograph, told RFE/RL where: Kyiv, Izyum, and Slovyansk in Ukraine, where Russia's invasion is in its sixth month and where Western intelligence says Russia has suffered more deaths than it did in the entire decade of the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Last month, however, CIA Director William Burns estimated Russian losses were at least 15,000 killed and about 45,000 wounded, a figure echoed on August 8 by Colin Kahl, U.S. undersecretary of defense for policy.

"I think it's safe to suggest that the Russians have probably taken 70,000 to 80,000 casualties in less than six months," Kahl told reporters. "Now, that is a combination of killed in action and wounded in action, and that number might be a little lower, a little higher. But I think that's kind of in the ballpark, which is pretty remarkable considering that the Russians have achieved none of [Russian President] Vladimir Putin's objectives at the beginning of the war."
In all, RFE/RL was able to corroborate the deaths of 30 out of the 44 soldiers featured on the memorial wall using publicly available information from official publications, social media, and media reports. ...

by Cat on Wed Aug 10th, 2022 at 10:41:48 PM EST
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