Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
APsplainin | Russia struggles to replenish its troops in Ukraine, 10 Aug
Although the Defense Ministry denies that any "mobilization activities" are taking place, authorities seem to be pulling out all the stops to bolster enlistment. Billboards and public transit ads in various regions proclaim, "This is The Job," urging men to join the professional army. Authorities have set up mobile recruiting centers in some cities, including one at the site of a half marathon in Siberia in May. Regional administrations are forming "volunteer battalions" that are promoted on state television. The business daily Kommersant counted at least 40 such entities in 20 regions, with officials promising volunteers monthly salaries ranging from the equivalent of $2,150 to nearly $5,500, plus bonuses.
NBC | Every branch of the military is struggling to make its 2022 recruiting goals, 29 June
An internal Defense Department survey obtained by NBC News found that only 9% of those young Americans eligible to serve in the military had any inclination to do so, the lowest number since 2007. More than half of the young Americans who answered the survey -- about 57% -- think they would have emotional or psychological problems after serving in the military. Nearly half think they would have physical problems.
US Navy | Future Sailors, Prior-Service Members Eligible for Bonuses and Loan Repayment up to $115,000, 6 Aug
by Cat on Thu Aug 11th, 2022 at 01:10:37 PM EST
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