Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Ukranews | AFU destroy enemy command post in the south, occupiers suffer significant losses, 11 Aug
This was reported by the South Operational Command.

"During the day, the enemy carried out 8 airstrikes by helicopters and attack aircraft along the contact line to test our positions. They proved to be strong. No casualties reported. Halitsynove was shelled with heavy 152-caliber artillery. No losses and significant destruction were detected. All the hits came outside the village. During the combat day, we carried out 6 airstrikes. Twice the work of assault aircraft was ensured against a strong point and a cell of the enemy's manpower, weapons and equipment in the Beryslav district," the statement says.

APsplainin | Ukraine wants donors to give more money to 'stop Russia', 11 Aug
"The sooner we stop Russia, the sooner we can feel safe," Zelenskyy said while addressing defense leaders at a Denmark conference aimed at strengthening financing for weapons, training and demining work in his country.

"We need armaments, munitions for our defense," he added, speaking via a live link from Ukraine. The conference in Copenhagen is a follow-up to an April meeting at a U.S. air base in Germany that established the U.S.-led Ukraine Defense Contact Group, which coordinates international military support for Ukraine.[...]
Before the conference started, the Danish government said it would give Ukraine an extra 820 million kroner ($113 million), which would bring Denmark's total contribution to the war effort to more than 3 billion kroner ($413 million). Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen called it "a huge donation." Part of the money would pay for 130 Danish troops to help train Ukrainian forces in Britain over the coming months.

by Cat on Thu Aug 11th, 2022 at 01:29:13 PM EST
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