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Wer ist "wir"? | FD - July 27, 2022 |

Escalations harbor the danger of exclusion

This position is not represented by the Federal Chancellor, but by large parts of the traffic light-colored party spectrum, by the majority in the CDU and CSU anyway. For example, Ralf Fücks, a former top politician in the Greens , accuses dissenters of "submissive pacifism" - a particularly striking but not the only example of the tone of the debate.

Behind such harshness is likely to be genuine desperation at the doom Putin is bringing to the people of Ukraine. But escalations of this kind also harbor the danger of excluding from the "we" those who come to different conclusions out of just as honest desperation - such as the sociologist Hartmut Rosa, who in response to Fücks' accusations has again called for ways in Der Spiegel to explore negotiations with Moscow.

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    by Oui (Oui) on Mon Aug 22nd, 2022 at 12:33:57 PM EST
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