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PM Magdalena Andersson concedes victory to right-wing opposition | DW News |

Leader of the nationalist Sweden Democrats, Jimmie Akesson, declared victory and pledged to "put Sweden first."

Coalition leader Ulf Kristersson of the conservative Moderates will become Prime Minister if the results are confirmed.

Far-right to be part of governing coalition

Never before have the Sweden Democrats, a party who relies on anti-immigration and nationalist rhetoric, been part of a government.

The party has so far won more than 20 percent of ballots, becoming the second-biggest party behind outgoing Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson's Social Democrats, which have dominated Swedish politics since the 1930s.

The Sweden Democrats are set to overtake the Moderates, having gained 20.6% of the vote compared to the coalition 19.1%.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Sep 14th, 2022 at 06:44:59 PM EST
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