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Poland nominates Sikorski to replace Ashton | EurActiv - May 30, 2014 |

Poland has confirmed that it will nominate its Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski to replace Catherine Ashton as EU foreign policy chief. Mr Sikorski would be a "natural candidate". 

"I will say it openly: Poland has gained such significant influence in foreign policy, that the so-called high representative would be within the scope of our interests" he said.

Polish foreign minister since 2007, he has been an outspoken critic of Russian foreign policy.

The 51 year old Sikorski has helped drive a hardline stance on the Ukraine crisis and called for a more robust European response to Russian military intervention in Georgia and Ukraine.

More about Radoslaw Sikorski in another thread ...

Arms Delivery for America's Forever Wars

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 at 07:19:24 PM EST
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