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Corruption allegations shake Germany's public broadcasters | DW News |

Big questions are again being asked about the future of Germany's public broadcasters after Patricia Schlesinger, director of Berlin's public broadcaster RBB, resigned over mismanagement charges.

It's quite a catalog of allegations that have been leveled against Patricia Schlesinger. Until recently, she was both the director of the regional public broadcaster RBB (Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg) and held the rotating chair of the ARD, Germany's vast and powerful nationwide network of nine regional broadcasters and Deutsche Welle.

The scandal has triggered a nationwide debate and fresh calls for changes to public broadcasting in Germany, which is financed mainly by a mandatory monthly broadcasting license fee to the tune of €18.36 (ca. $19) to be paid by each household.

Schlesinger stepped down after accusations that included a questionable use of funds, but also the controversial allocation of consultancy contracts.

A lavish lifestyle

It emerged that at the financially-strapped RBB she had been awarded 16% on top of a salary that totaled €303,000, and a further bonus of €20,000. She also attracted attention by using the services of chauffeurs for an expensive rented company car and with extravagant dinners at her private apartment. When champagne was served, the tab was allegedly paid by her employers.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Aug 15th, 2022 at 05:47:30 PM EST

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