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German election: continuing popularity of far-right AfD has roots in east-west divide

The AfD's strong performance in east Germany can, in part, be seen as a reaction against the imposition of the western fusion of capitalism and democracy after 1989. For many east Germans, this shift was associated with deprivation, social disintegration and the loss of a political home. Even today, many feel that they are still treated as second-class citizens. Under these circumstances, distrust in the political establishment is common - and populist radical right parties have rushed to step in.

Since coming to power in 2005, Merkel has done much for the symbolic representation of eastern Germans. But while some credit her for holding the eurozone together after the financial crisis, her austerity policies had a disproportionate impact on the eastern regions. It was her argument that "there is no alternative" to austerity that inspired the AfD's name in the first place.

Some really ugly comments @Neuruppin

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 at 09:02:29 AM EST
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