Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Germans face higher bills as tax aids natural gas importers, 15 Aug
An association of gas pipeline operators on Monday set the level tariff at € 0.024/kkWh under legislation passed by the German parliament, which had an expected stipulated a range of 1 to 5 cents.
The gas tax will raise money to compensate [sic] importers of Russian gas whose contracts with city utilities do not permit them to pass on the costs of surging natural gas prices [to rate payers].
Habeck said that 12 [gs]importers have applied for help [sic] and would receive 34 billion euros ($34.7 billion), or about 90% of their ["]exceptional["] costs, the dpa news agency reported.
17 Aug, Reuters | 'Pawn' in energy stand-off, Germany's Uniper suffers $12.5 bln [€ 12.3B] loss ...Germany's largest importer of Russian gas needed a 15 billion euro government bailout last month after Russia drastically cut flows, forcing Uniper to buy gas elsewhere [UAE? KSA? USA? CN-TW FORMOSA?!]at much higher prices....
Energy-intensive businesses urged the government to limit the [cost of] the new tax [applied to commercial rate payers]. Steel producers said it would cost them 500 million euros annually, while the VDMA association of mechanical engineering firms -- a pillar of Germany's export-oriented economy -- warned that the tax was "a significant burden" on top of soaring natural gas prices.
Germany lowers natural gas tax to ease burden on consumers, 18 Aug
The announcement at a hastily convened news conference in Berlin comes a day after Scholz met with hostile protests during a town hall event outside the capital.

Scholz said his government had decided to lower the value-added tax[VAT] on gas from 19% to 7% [!] until the end of March 2024.

by Cat on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 at 03:24:54 PM EST
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