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Dutch energy prices continue to rise at alarming rate | Oct. 6, 2021 |

A few weeks ago, Dutch energy companies confirmed that, thanks to rising demand and an increasing shortage of natural gas across Europe, the Netherlands would see energy prices reach near-unaffordable levels for many families. Now, figures reveal that the price increase is happening at a much faster rate than predicted. 

Prices rose to reach 118 euros per megawatt-hour - almost eight times higher than this time last year. Experts say this significant increase can be attributed to growing concerns about Dutch gas stocks for the coming winter. 

The rising price of natural gas over the past few months meant energy companies chose not to refill their gas stocks after the unseasonably cold spring of 2021, which means the country could face a natural gas shortage, and will definitely have to deal with rising gas prices over the coming months.

Free market thinking ... the squeeze is covered in billings to consumers .

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Aug 11th, 2022 at 10:23:17 AM EST
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