Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Better Together!
by Cat on Sat Oct 1st, 2022 at 05:40:21 PM EST
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by generic on Sat Oct 1st, 2022 at 05:49:00 PM EST
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Politico | Meet the Trudeau protege who might one day have his job, 26 Sep
Mélanie Joly's political resume is longer than you might think -- student activist leader, out-of-the-blue candidate who nearly became a big-city mayor and now Canada's face on the world stage....
Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly At a Joint Press Availability, 30 Sep full monte
...I think everyone by now is well aware of something that Mélanie alluded to more broadly, but specific to Russia, which is the outrageous misinformation and disinformation campaigns that it engages in.  So I really have nothing to say to the absurd allegation from President Putin that we or other partners or allies are somehow responsible for this, but we will get to the bottom of what happened, and we'll share that information as soon as we're - as soon as we have it.  But I don't want to get ahead of the investigation that's ongoing....
archived Commerce secretary: China virus could bring jobs back to US
by Cat on Sun Oct 2nd, 2022 at 12:41:27 AM EST
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