Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Politico.com | Biden administration scales back student debt relief amid legal concerns, 29 Sep
The agency said it would still provide debt relief to borrowers "who have applied to consolidate into the Direct Loan program prior to Sept. 29, 2022." But the department said that path is no longer available to borrowers after the new guidance.
The Hill | Biden's student borrower forgiveness program updated to exclude private loans, 29 Sep
As of Thursday, borrowers with federal student loans not held by the Education Department are no longer eligible to obtain one-time debt relief by consolidating those loans into Direct Loans, the guidance said.
The White House [downplayed the CBO report], saying it's unlikely that 90 percent of eligible borrowers will take advantage of the program. Biden's plan also faced the first second of its legal challenges this week.
The Hill | Judge denies student debt cancellation lawsuit, 29 Sep
A federal judge on Thursday denied a challenge to President Biden's student debt forgiveness plan filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF).
Nebraska Atty Gen | Six States File a Challenge to the Biden Administration's Student Loan Cancellation Program, 29 Sep
Today, six states [NE, MO, AR, IA, KS, SC] filed a challenge to the Biden Administration's student loan cancellation program in federal court in Missouri. In it, they ask the Court for an immediate temporary restraining order pausing the program. Prompt relief is being sought because the Biden Administration has indicated it will start cancelling loan balances as early as next week.
by Cat on Sun Oct 2nd, 2022 at 12:26:50 AM EST
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