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With friends like these, who needs foes?
"Hersh has since explained to the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung that Norway was particularly interested in successfully pulling off the plot against the Nord Stream pipelines.

In his words, "Norway was interested in income growth, and hence in increasing the volume of its energy supplies to the EU, to the same Germany. And what do we see after the mission? Norway has made it. It's (energy) exports grew against the backdrop of significant hostility towards Russia."

Norway was attracted to Biden's sabotage project like a fly to the honeypot, since it stood to gain fabulously in financial terms if it helped the US military to destroy Nord Stream pipelines near Danish waters, and replace Russia as Germany's principal source of piped natural gas.

To be sure, Norway has made a kill. The loot is estimated to be worth over $100 billion so far! Norway supplied 33 percent of Germany's gas needs in 2022, making it the country's largest supplier."


by Tom2 on Fri Feb 17th, 2023 at 06:33:49 PM EST

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