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Dnieper dam blown up by Russians: 'To save it from Nazi bandits' - 29 August 1941 | The Guardian |

The Russians have blown up the Dnieper dam at Zaporizhzhia, which feeds the Dneprostroi power plant, and have evacuated Dnepropetrovsk, the great industrial centre of Ukraine.

Mr Lozovsky, the Soviet spokesman, told the press last night: We blew up the Dnieper dam so as not to allow this first child of the Soviet five-year Plan (1932) to fall into the hands of Hitler's bandits. All measures were taken so as not to permit the Germans to make use of the dam and machinery.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Tue Jun 6th, 2023 at 02:53:13 PM EST
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