Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
2 days ago: G7 tabloids came out of the EU Stoltenberg GATE, declaring that dam destruction is another Russian WAR CRIME.
• no casualty INCLUDING CHILDREN or property loss numbers
• no reference to UAF 2022 offensive in Kherson
• no reference to UA.gov WAR CRIME depriving "their own people" of the "mostly mooslim" Tartar persuasion in Crimea of water, 2014-2022

1 day ago: G7 tabloids tack to floating Russian mines,  ECOCIDE, dry canal to Crimea, threat of nuclear catastrophe 100 miles away at ZNPP, and spirits of  "New Kakhhovka" families on roofs awaiting rescue | deportation | evacuation—from WHOM, anonymous people dare not speculate

0 day: It was an ACCIDENT. a TSUNAMI. maybe. idunno. We've been clear, says US State Dept stooge, flapping a ISW "non-paper".


by Cat on Wed Jun 7th, 2023 at 04:07:46 PM EST
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