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China opens World's Largest offshore Solar Power Facility, as U.S. Falls Farther Behind | Juan Cole |

China is the most advanced solar society in the world with over 600 gigawatts of installed solar capacity, which saves the country billions of dollars a year over paying for imported fossil gas. The US is in comparison backward, only having about 130 GW of solar.

It is therefore no surprise that Beijing has, as Aman Tripathi reports, just connected to high capacity transmission wires the world's large offshore solar plant off the coast of Shandong Province, a 1-gigawatt facility. The facility also does fish farming.

The nearly 3,000 photovoltaic platforms are attached to fixed pilings in the sea floor and are spread over an area of some 4 square miles. It will generate enough power to provide electricity to 2.6 million people.

And this installation is only the beginning. China is aiming to have 60 gigawatts of offshore solar in only 3 years from now -- an incredible build-out if it happens.

China also already has 61 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity. Wind, water, solar and battery are clearly the way forward on meeting the world's power needs while avoiding massive carbon pollution.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 at 08:15:07 AM EST
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