Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
strana | Democratic donors are considering ways to elegantly remove Biden from the race - Mass media, 8 July
"Some believe that it would be a mistake for Biden to leave before he becomes the party nominee, as this would deprive him of the opportunity to appoint a successor. Others believe that it is better to do it earlier, to give time for the promotion of a new candidate."

rollcall | OpEd | Biden is not the candidate Democrats want voters to focus on, 8 July

Yes, Vice President Kamala?! Harris would be the likely Democratic nominee, and she is not without political baggage. But she is not unacceptable to many voters the way an elderly Biden is, and she would bring some assets with her, including her age and potential appeal to core Democratic constituents.

Biden's exit from the presidential race wouldn't guarantee anything for his party. Harris could lose. But a Harris-Trump contest would at least give Democrats an opportunity to make 2024 about Trump's weaknesses and flaws. With Biden as the Democratic nominee, that's not possible.

abcnews | Biden sends defiant letter to Democrats says time to end questions, come together, 8 July: "He railed against party 'elites' in an angry call into MSNBC's 'Morning Joe.'"

Read: Fellow Democrats,...Copyright 2024 The Associated Press.
Hear: "Morning Joe" phone call, 8 July A/V (EN) 00:18:50
"reading from the list of lies," average voter tantrum @ 13:30, France @ 15:15

by Cat on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 at 01:03:35 AM EST
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