Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
cnn | Draft NATO communique describes Ukraine's path to NATO as irreverible, sources say (08.07.24)
One of the sources, a US official, said the White House supports the use of the word in the final communique as long as the document also reaffirms that Ukraine's work on democratic reforms must continue. The official said the final version is expected to contain that language.
[...] A US senior administration official said Friday that the alliance will make "significant new announcements about how we're increasing NATO's military, political and financial support for Ukraine" as part of Kyiv's "bridge to NATO." US officials on Monday publicly declined to discuss specifics of the joint communique ahead of the summit, which kicks off on Tuesday.
[...KIRBY ALERT!...]
"I'll let the Ukrainians speak for themselves, but I think they understand the value of what NATO will be doing for that," they/them/their said.
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor John Kirby (08.07.24)
KIRBY: To strengthen Ukraine's air defenses and to help Ukraine protect its cities and its grid, the United States and several of our Allies will have several big announcements at this week's summit.  And the NATO Alloance [sic] will announce significant new steps to strengthen its military and political partnership with Ukraine to help Ukraine continue to defend themselves today and to deter Russian aggression well into the future....
Q Just to follow up on that. Can you say whether the word "irreversible" will be in the communiqué?
KIRBY: I'm not going to get ahead of the specific language one way or the other
strana | The draft communique of the NATO summit, 9 July
"At the same time, the head of the Ukrainian mission to the North Atlantic military bloc, Natalia Galibarenko, expressed her desire to receive a promise that Ukraine will inevitably become a member of NATO."
by Cat on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 at 05:36:21 PM EST
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