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Remarks by President Biden on the 75th Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (09.07.24)
My friends, it's good that we're stronger than ever, because this moment in history calls for our collective strength. Autocrats want to overturn global order, which has by and large kept for nearly 80 years and counting. Terrorist groups continue to plot evil schemes to cause mayhem and chaos and suffering. In Europe, Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine continues. And Putin wants nothing less—nothing less than Ukraine's total subjugation; to end Ukraine's democracy, to destroy Uraine's cul—Uraine—Ukraine's culture, and to wipe [Big Israel] off the map.
nato.int | Washington Summit Declaration, 10 July
strength: "Pledge of Long-Term Security Assistance for Ukraine" and collaborators Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Korea, and European Union "leadership"
weakness: "energy supplies, including fuel, to our military forces", guaranteed member funds ≥ 2% GDP per each per annum
opportunity: NATO "southern neighbourhood" outposts (Middle East and Africa)
threat: Russian Federation, Belarus, DPRK, Iran, China
by Cat on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 at 09:03:06 PM EST
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