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Nato's two-percent of GDP target is a blank cheque to the arms industry, 11 July
In his opening address at the 75th anniversary celebratory summit in Washington, Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg described it as the most "successful alliance in history," claiming recently that its main purpose was not to fight wars but to prevent them.

The people of war-torn nations like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, who have suffered decades of instability because of Nato-led wars, might disagree.
Making a killing
At least one-fifth (20 percent) of the `two-percent floor' must be invested in major equipment and associated R&D. In other words, hundreds of billions of taxpayer money should be directly invested in highly lucrative private arms companies to produce weapons of war.

by Cat on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 at 02:26:44 PM EST
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