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cnn | Troubled US military pier near Gaza to be permanently removed as soon as next week, US officials say, 9 July JLOTS watch
according to four US officials, after it is reconnected one more time to deliver any remaining humanitarian aid in Cyprus and on the floating dock several miles offshore.

The $230 million temporary pier operation, which has been plagued with problems since its inception, has been at the Israeli port of Ashdod for nearly two weeks because the Pentagon decided sea conditions were too rough for it to operate. Last month marked the third time that the pier has been disconnected from Gaza because of inclement weather.

centcom.mil: "more than 8,831 metric tons (over 19.4 million pounds)" (28.06.24)
 Aid delivered to Gaza via the pier piled up on the beach for several weeks last month as the World Food Programme evaluated whether it was safe to distribute inside the enclave [sic]. The Israel Defense Forces had early on agreed to provide a wide security perimeter around the pier system and the aid operation, but an Israeli hostage rescue operation very nearby the pier in early June raised additional security concerns for aid workers.
tabloid USA: "Plagued by looting..." (11.07.24)
The aid distribution restarted late last month, after millions of pounds of aid—roughly 6,000 pallets worth—had accumulated on the Gaza shoreline, CNN previously reported.
defense.gov | Update on DOD Support to Humanitarian Efforts in Gaza, 11 July JLOTS watch
[D]ue to technical and weather-related issues, CENTCOM personnel were unable to re-anchor the pier to the shore. At no time did U.S. personnel enter Gaza.

The pier and support vessels and equipment are returning to Ashdod where they will remain until further notice. A re-anchoring date has not been set.

"more than 8,100 metric tons (nearly 20 million pounds)": stick a fork in it.
As highlighted in the initial deployment announcement [8 March 2024], the pier has always been intended as a temporary solution to enable the additional flow of aid into Gaza during a period of dire humanitarian need with limited access, supplementing land and air channels of delivery. The pier will soon cease operations, with more details on that process and timing available in the coming days.
by Cat on Sat Jul 13th, 2024 at 03:15:26 PM EST
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