Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
For a century US politicians have attempted to integrate descendants of US slaves into the halls of power connecting the several branches of the federal government. But for febrile partisan competition since War of Northern Aggression for their ballots, "essential work" in times of peace, and expeditious conscription in times of military conflict abroad, "black faces in high places" would not exist at all.

Broad strokes of truth reveal Strom Biden's struggle to parlay his Dixiecrat inheritance into colorblind "equity", epitomized by POTUS Mitch Obama (2008-2016).

[violent collapse of "Radical Republican" Reconstruction of the US, 1877-1954]
Wilson: federal policy and "Negro Economics"
[segregated WWI, WW II, race riots, and industrial action]
Truman: EO 3835 (1947) and EO 9981 Desegregation of the Armed Forces (1948)
Eisenhower: EO 10730 Desegregation of Central High School (1957)
Kennedy: EO 10925: Affirmative action in federal government (1960)
[88th, 89th US Congress: Civil Right Act (1964), Voting Rights Act (1965)]
Johnson and Nixon: EO 11246, Requiring affirmative action in federal contracting, "Philadephia Plan" (1967), confirmation of Thurgood Marshall (1967)
[integrated USAF defeat in Korea and Viet Nam, slew of race riots, collapse of US organized labor, and a Reagan Log Cabin "Great Awakening"]
Clinton: confirmations of R. Brown, J. Brown, L. Brown, F. Raines, T. West, R. Slater
GW Bush: confirmations of C. Thomas, C. Powell, R. Paige, C. Rice, A. Jackson

eeoc, Black or African American participation in the Federal Sector a/o FY 2020, a/o 2023

pew, Black women account for a small fraction of the federal judges who have served to date (02.02.22)

crs, "The Appointment of Black U.S. Circuit and District Court Judges: Historical Overview and Analysis" (21.02.23)


by Cat on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 at 03:15:20 AM EST
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