Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
not that bis, the other one | ANTI-BOYCOTT ADVISORY ON TÜRKIYE (14.05.24)
The Turkish government has recently announced that it will suspend all exports and imports to and from Israel until the Israeli government allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza. [...] U.S. companies operating in Türkiye, in particular, are cautioned to be alert to their receipt of any requests to refrain from importing or exporting goods to or from Israel or to provide certification that the goods are not of Israeli origin or do not contain Israeli-origin components or materials. Illustrative examples of recent boycott requests reported to the Office of Antiboycott Compliance (OAC) can be found here.
Jeff Flake to step down as Turkish US ambassador in Turkiye on Sept. 1 , 16 July
"It has been an honor and a privilege to represent the United States of America in this pivotal country, and to strengthen our relationship with this indispensable ally," Flake wrote to The Hill. "The significant progress made in our bilateral relationship over the past few years owes much to bipartisan support from my former colleagues in the U.S. Congress."
archive condition for BRICS membership, Flake skips Erdoğan, Flake USAID, Arizona Flake, OpEd Flake, elevator Flake, BDS 2021-2023, BDS 2018
by Cat on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 at 10:35:24 PM EST
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