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azertag.az | Opening of the Congress of movements for independence of the territories colonized by France took place in Baku, 17 July
Baku hosted the opening of the first Congress with the participation of leaders of more than 15 political parties and movements for the independence of Corsica, Melanesia, Polynesia, and the Caribbean and Antilles group affected by French colonialism, organized by the People's Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe and with the support of the Baku Initiative Group.

The idea of holding the Congress belongs to political parties and movements fighting for the independence of the French overseas territories. 3 organizations from the islands of Bonaire and Saint Martin, which are colonies of the Netherlands, take part in the congress as honorary guests.

Abbas Abbasov, Executive Director of the Baku Initiative Group, said that during the recent riots in New Caledonia [!], members of the independence movement were illegally arrested by the French police. They were treated as terrorists, smuggled to Paris, and tortured in various ways. Some of them were women with small children. The Baku Initiative Group says it will provide assistance to the families of political prisoners and lawyers defending their rights.

< wipes tears>
by Cat on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 at 08:50:41 PM EST
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