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scorched earth speech!

50 chamber slaves of the patriarchy*
senate 17/50: (D) 13 (R) 4
house 33/121: (D) 33 (R) 9
* CIS visual count

Hope doeth spring from ashes!
Paris Olympics: Afghanistan to have gender-balanced team in first Games since Taliban

A gender-balanced team of three men and three women will represent Afghanistan in Paris next month in a symbolic move for the first summer Olympics since the Taliban surged to power.
The women will compete in athletics and cycling, while their male counterparts will feature in athletics, swimming, and judo, though their names have not been released.
"All of them are abroad, they are coordinated and organised by the IOC," Olympic Committee CEO Dad Mohammad Payenda Akhtari added, noting that the IOC was supplying financial support for most of the Afghan athletes.
by Cat on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 at 06:39:49 PM EST
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