Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Bezuglaya said that Syrsky and his entourage are in favor of a cease-fire with the Russian Federation., 14 July
MP Mariana Bezuglaya, who has recently criticized Syrsky and the Ukrainian generals, claims that "a number of sources" informed her about this position of Syrsky.
In her opinion, Syrsky plans to "go down in history and save a whole layer of the general's mafia, which is closer to demolition than ever,"by stopping the fire. Bezuglaya claims that this position is also beneficial for ex-commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny, whose influence on the Armed Forces of Ukraine remains.
"Demoralizes the troops under the image of e@anuta dura."Mariana Bezuglaya was brought to the"Peacemaker", 16 July
Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Maryana Bezuglaya was added to the database of the Mirotvorets website.
Ukrainian bloggers who called for stopping the war were listed on Mirotvorets (16.07.24)
after the Russian missile strike on the Okhmatdet children's hospital in Kiev
All of them are credited with "participating in acts of humanitarian aggression against Ukraine, "spreading Russian propaganda," and "participating in Russia's information and psychological operation against Ukraine."
On the eve of the Defense Committee of the Rada voted to remove Bezugla from the post of head of the subcommittee.
"I don't have the strength anymore." Bezuglaya announced that she was leaving the Servants of the People faction, 17 July
According to her, the priorities of colleagues in the committee are not clear to her, representatives of the faction in the committee "unite with the opposition in sabotage, rather than fulfilling their mission of legislation and control over the national security and defense sector," as a result of which the committee does not promote critical reforms of state secrets, the SBU, and the military police.
by Cat on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 at 11:00:02 PM EST
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