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Chinese firms probed over mandatory pregnancy tests - media, 17 July
More than a dozen companies in China have been sued for allegedly making female job applicants take pregnancy tests, which is illegal under Chinese law, the country's official Procuratorate Daily news outlet reported on Monday [15.07.24].
chinajusticeobserver | SPP Launches Official English Website (05.06.24): The official English website of the SPP is established and maintained by China Daily.
According to the report, the Tongzhou District prosecutor's office in Nantong in the eastern province of Jiangsu launched an investigation into the matter in January after being tipped off by a local group of public welfare volunteers.
scmp | 'Men only' job adverts prompt women's rights group in China to take on employers over gender discrimination (18.02.21): In October 2014, they launched the Weibo account "Inspection Squad for Workplace Gender Discrimination"
After going through the records of two major public hospitals and a medical exam center, investigators found that 168 women seeking work at 16 different companies had taken pregnancy tests as part of their pre-employment health checks. They also said the companies' recruitment and staff insurance records indicated that the women had been asked to take these tests, though in most cases the requests were not part of the officially documented requirements, but given verbally during job interviews.

The reason prospective employers gave for the practice and their reluctance to hire pregnant women was the excessively high maternity benefits they would have to pay after the new employee takes maternity leave.

pkulaw.cn | Amending the Population and Family Planning Law of the People's Republic of China (2021), 2021
Chinese law prohibits employers from including pregnancy tests in pre-employment physical checks, along with other forms of gender discrimination, such as asking female applicants about their marital status or plans to have children. However, according to research last year by the Inspection Squad for Workplace Gender Discrimination watchdog, male applicants still have an advantage over women in some spheres, including government jobs. The research found that out of nearly 40,000 jobs in the national civil service, 10,981 were marked as men-only compared with 7,550 for women.
The Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People's Repuliv of China
pkulaw.com/ About (auto-translate)
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by Cat on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 at 07:16:42 PM EST
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