Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

lefigaro | «On ne réindustrialisera pas notre pays en le couvrant de centres de données et d'entrepôts», 25 July (scofflaw aftershock "pay or consent" subscriber)
"We will not reindustrialize our country by covering it with data centers and warehouses."

After the last "Choose France" summit - even though it seems that in the world of 2024, "choose France" is outdated - an amazing investment was announced.

13 May 2024
euronews | President Macron says funding from business giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Pfizer will benefit French citizens across the country.

rfi | Choose France summit kicks off with big hopes for foreign investment

Among them, two projects deserve special attention from Elysian Communications: Microsoft, which plans to invest 4 billion euros in the construction of data centers ("data centers"); logistics giant Amazon, which offers to invest 1.2 billion euros in cloud [LOL] services and parcel delivery logistics.

However, we must be clear: we are not industrializing the country by creating warehouses, whether they store data or food. This is not an industry.

goldmansachs | Too much spend, too little benefit?, 25 June 31 pp pdf
gendotai boom investor newslitter

archive META RING in The Sciences of the Artificial, Meta algorithm called Llama in Israeli Amos Hochstein

by Cat on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 at 09:24:08 PM EST
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