Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
nypost | Celeb-led 'White Women for Kamala' is cringe city, 29 July illustrated
Last week, Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts organized a massive Zoom meeting—"White Women: Answer the Call"—for Kamala Harris. On the call, which drew over 200,000 participants, reportedly raised $2 million and has been dubbed the largest Zoom in history, Watts declared (with great humility, of course): "White women, we have 100 days to help save the world." [...] "BIPOC women have tapped us in as white women to step up, listen, and get involved this election season," [TikTok influencer Arielle Fodor alias Mrs. Frazzled] said.
ancient history pdxmonthly | The Complicated Rise and Swift Fall of Portland's Wall of Moms Protest Group (03.08.20)

thehill | ["Celeb-led] 'White Dudes for Harris' call raises over $4 million, 28-29 July illustrated

Additionally, over 190,000 participants joined the call Monday and 150,000 people joined [?] the group. The call was put together by a number of Democratic organizers [volunteers?] not affiliated with Harris's campaign. [...] The meeting is the latest demographic-based mobilization push in support of Harris.
"The vibes right now are incredible," [DOT Sec. Peter] Buttigieg told participants on the call, referring to the mood among Democrats.
A number of famous figures, including actors Jeff Bridges, Mark Hamill, Bradley Whitford, Josh Gad, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, [Reid Hoffman, filmmaker J.J. Abrams,] and Paul Scheer along with singers Lance Bass and Josh Groban also joined the call. Whitford quipped at the "variety of whiteness" on the Zoom, describing it as a "rainbow of beige."
thehill | Harris campaign announces $50 million ad buy ahead of DNC (30.07.24)
The 60-second ad touts Harris' record as a prosecutor and California attorney general [!], as well as her work as vice president in the Biden administration. The ad will air on local and national television stations across battleground states, the campaign said. It will air during Olympics coverage and during shows like Big Brother, The Daily Show, The Simpsons, and The Bachelorette.
by Cat on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 at 07:48:41 PM EST
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