Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
U R DOIN IT RONG, 2 July Global South "outreach"
The frontline of the Russo-Ukrainian war now extends into Africa and the Middle East, where Ukrainian special forces have been hunting Russian forces to erode Moscow's economic resources and influence.
According to a leaked top-secret U.S. intelligence document, Ukraine's military intelligence agency previously devised plans to attack Russian forces in Syria with clandestine Kurdish assistance in early 2023. The objective behind targeting Russian units in Syria was to potentially compel Russia to redirect its military assets from Ukraine to strengthen its defenses in Syria. Ukrainian officers considered training Syrian Democratic Forces operatives to strike Russian targets with unmanned aerial vehicle attacks.
Ukrainian Defense Intelligence has close ties to the CIA, which helped develop the top-secret Ukrainian intelligence organization after Russia's first invasion in 2014. Since its inception, it has had authority to collect intelligence outside Ukraine. According to the New York Times, Budanov's initial unit was known for its daring missions behind enemy lines, and he himself was trained by the CIA.
Ukraine has the capability to engage militarily in regions where Western powers might be hesitant to intervene, such as Sudan and southern Syria. The return on investment for a small amount of Ukrainian input from Western powers could be quite substantial. The West would be wise to provide Ukraine with more resources, including intelligence, to support its efforts to strike Russia wherever necessary.
archive How Ukraine is combating Russia's influence in Africa, Ukrainians Are NATO Mercenaries
by Cat on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 at 05:03:00 PM EST
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strana | What is known about the Tuaregs who defeated the Wagner convoy in West Africa, 28 July Cadre stratégique permanent pour la paix, la sécurité et le développement

strana | Tuareg jihadists [?!] in Mali ready to hand over captured Wagnerites to Ukraine (ditto)
Tuareg jihadists in Mali are ready to hand over captured Wagnerists to Ukraine. This message appeared in social networks.

"We have captured a large number of Wagner's mercenaries and want to hand over these prisoners to you as a sign of support and solidarity," one blogger who supports the group wrote on Twitter. The recording was made in  < wipes tears > Ukrainian.
A column of Malian government troops, which was moving with the support of Wagner, was defeated by a rebel group of Tuaregs who are fighting with the country's authorities. Among the dead—the administrator of one of the most famous "Wagner" Telegram channels GreyZone Nikita "White" (also known as"Five Hundredth"). Invasion maps, top news, photos and videos are published in our Telegram channel.

strana | The defeat of the Wagner convoy in Mali and the reaction to it in the Russian Federation revealed a deep split among the Wagnerites, 29 July
Yevgeny Prigozhin's" official successor "at the head of the Wagner PMC was his son Pavel. And Anton Yelizarov ("Lotus") became Utkin's" official successor"as the military commander of the Wagner. However, as Strana has already written, a significant part of Wagner's commanders refused to serve under Lotos and left the PMC. Most went to various units of the Russian army and Regardie. Including one of the most famous commanders of the Wagner Ratibor. Moreover, the latter joined Kadyrov's Akhmat unit, which caused a shock among the Russian far-right environment, from which many "Wagnerists"come.
theregister | EU PROBES Telegram, because size matters for regulators (28.05.24)
democracy shield
by Cat on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 at 06:00:38 PM EST
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src: 🇲🇱 t.me/arabicafrica/14745
Current balance of forces and control over the territory of Mali

Red color - territory under the control of FAMa (Armed Forces of Mali)
Yellow color - pro-government forces
Green color - groups of the "Coordination of Movements of Azawad"
White color - territory controlled by the group "Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin" (JNIM)
Gray color - territory controlled by ISIS.

80 percent of the territory marked in green and white is uninhabited (according to local sources)

The red arrow indicates the place on the border with Algeria, where the militants organized an ambush.

by Cat on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 at 08:33:55 PM EST
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vOLdEmoRT | Telegram close to a billion users - founder, 23 July
Encrypted messaging platform Telegram has reached 950 million monthly active users and continues to grow rapidly, its founder Pavel Durov has said. The platform has gained 50 million users since the spring and is on track to reach one billion, the Russian-born IT entrepreneur wrote on his < wipes tears > Telegram channel on Tuesday.
Telegram has long been the most popular messaging application in Russia and Ukraine. It has also gained popularity in the rest of the world in recent years, after the Ukraine conflict escalated and even more so after Meta changed the privacy settings of WhatsApp.

top: Telegram, bottom WhatsApp

The head of Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), Kirill Budanov, who has been placed on Russia's terrorist and extremist list, has repeatedly criticized the platform for allowing anonymous channels to publish information about the conflict in contravention of Kiev's censorship rules. He said in April that Telegram's popularity posed a "huge problem" for Kiev's efforts to limit the flow of damaging information from the battlefield.

Officials in the European Union have also been seeking to regulate Telegram and are reportedly considering a move to list the app as a "very large online platform." [VLOP ≥ 45M active "call signs"] This would open the privacy-focused [Ukraine civilians + Ukraine Armed Forces + foreign "volunteer"] messaging app up to stringent EU censorship rules.

archive incompatible with internet business
by Cat on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 at 12:04:40 AM EST
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