Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
wef | What is sustainable aviation fuel and why are only 0.1% of flights powered by it? (29.11.23 update): "a type of biofuel—meaning it is made from plant or animal materials rather than fossil fuels—and it has the potential to cut aviation's greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% compared with traditional jet fuels."

euronews | Lufthansa is adding up to €72 to ticket prices to pay for sustainable fuel (26.06.24)

A fee of up to €72 will be added to fares to offset pay the cost of introducing sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) and other carbon-cutting initiatives, the group says.
Charge applies to all tickets issued from June 26, 2024 with departure from January 1, 2025 Lufthansa Group invests billions annually for more sustainable flying
The fee will come in on flights from 1 January 2025.
ft | Environmental charges on airline tickets will be the norm, 1 July
from an EU country, the UK, Norway or Switzerland from the start of 2025. This will add as much as €72 to a first class long-haul ticket. On short- to medium-haul flights it will be closer to €1-€7. The German airline is unlikely to travel alone. Expect mandatory green surcharges to pick up among ["]legacy carriers["] in particular.
A host of environmental regulations are to blame, says Lufthansa. It cites EU requirements for airline fuel to include a blend of at least 2 per cent Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from next year, plus changes to emissions trading schemes (ETS) in Europe. Air France-KLM laid the groundwork in 2022 by imposing a "SAF contribution charge", levied at a lower level.
by Cat on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 at 01:39:19 AM EST
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