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cnbc | 'It's not just Taylor Swift': ECB's Lagarde says Eras Tour is not alone in keeping euro zone inflation high (02.07.24)
"Services is the difficult one," Lagarde noted, adding that "the jury is still out" on whether that stickiness is permanent. Services inflation in the euro zone held steady at 4.1% in June, the European Union's statistics agency said earlier Tuesday. Core inflation, excluding the volatile effects of energy, food, alcohol, and tobacco, stayed at 2.9% from the prior month, just above the 2.8% economists had forecast. Headline inflation, meanwhile, eased to 2.5% in June, down from 2.6% in May and in line with the expectations of economists polled by Reuters.
nbcnews | Greece becomes first E.U. country to introduce a six-day working week, 3 July
by Cat on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 at 02:45:35 AM EST
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