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euronews | Air France set for €180 million hit as tourists avoid Paris Olympics, 2 July
A statement released by Air France on 11 June said: "45 days ahead of the Olympic Games opening ceremony, based on reservations made at this stage, the company expects to carry 20% of all athletes and para-athletes travelling to Paris and France, ie. 1 in 5 athletes, mainly from Brazil, the United States, Italy, and Japan.
Paris hotels struggle with low demand as Olympics approach
Occupancy rates are down by almost 25% compared to previous years, according to some polls.

"I think the Olympic Games effect is counter-productive since everything is very expensive," says Aldric Duval, the hotel's director. "We explained to (the tourists) that traffic restrictions were going to be complicated, that the price of a metro ticket was going to triple, that the tourist tax had tripled... On top of that, the weather is difficult, so people are less inclined to come," explains Duval.

by Cat on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 at 02:58:10 AM EST
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