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NATO members promise €40 billion to Ukraine for next year, 3 July
After NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg initially proposed a multi-annual €100 billion proposal, the plan was debated, revised, and changed due to reluctance to give multi-year pledges and questions around burden-sharing among NATO allies.

On Wednesday, NATO countries reached an agreement to share the sum of €40 billion per year, based on the gross national income (GNI) of each country, a person familiar with the discussions told Euractiv. Contrary to the original Stoltenberg proposal, the money will not be pledged across several years, but for only one. After that, NATO will annually review this on the basis that this is a non-binding commitment. The pledge will most likely not contain new cash, three NATO diplomats told Euractiv.

by Cat on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 at 03:47:44 AM EST
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