Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
presstv.ir | Polls close and vote counting begins in presidential runoff, 5 July
The polls finally closed at 12:00 AM local time (08:30 GMT) on Friday, six hours beyond the stipulated 10-hour voting period as required by the Constitution. The three two-hour extensions were approved by the interior minister at the request of voters.
In Friday's runoff election, more than 30 millionvotes were cast accounting for over 50 percent turnout  as more people flocked to polling stations in Tehran and other cities and villages across the country.
archive Pahlavi in MSC 2023, Pahlavi in Israel, MEK Pahlavi 2020, Pahlavi 1953
In London, a group of monarchists were seen holding the flags of the MKO terror cult and the Israeli regime outside the Iranian consulate to disrupt voting in Iran's presidential runoff election on Friday.

The vote counting will continue throughout the night, with final results likely to be announced on Saturday morning.

mehrnews | Official reveals first initial result, 6 July
According to the first report issued by Mohsen Eslami, the spokesperson for the country's election headquarters, Masoud Pezeshkian secured 1.263.874 votes while his rival, Saeed Jalili secured 1.244.640 of the counted votes so far.
archive Iran opens registration 09.06.24
by Cat on Fri Jul 5th, 2024 at 11:43:26 PM EST
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