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euronews | Why did the Russian disinformation machine target French voters?, 8 July National Rally recipe for failure
  1. Heat oven to 40°C
  2. Place one extreme-right, PUTIN-tied political party skin side down in earthenware casserole with lid.
  3. Add 193 whole freshly registered websites
  4. Combine "different versions and so many different variations of what you think is real" to seasoning.
  5.  Dilute information space Add to stock vandalism. Baste once per month.
  6. Cover. Simmer 100 days. Add "dissolution" to taste.
  7. Remove from oven. Discard anti-French, anti-semetic Zelensk* drippings.
  8. Let cool 12 hrs. Slice into "content moderation" wedges.
  9. Transfer to platter.
  10. Serve with "digital marketing" garnish
by Cat on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 at 05:54:09 PM EST
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