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The cost of Biden's complacency in Ukraine | The Hill |

The speed of Biden and the NATO bureaucracy that follows it is an existential threat to Ukraine's existence. Ukraine is under attack now and needs relief now -- not another announcement full of empty platitudes.

The United Kingdom answered the call when new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer reauthorized Ukraine to strike military targets inside Russia with Storm Shadow missiles, continuing the previous government's policy on the use of its long-range weapons.

Poland is considering shooting down Russian missiles over Ukrainian territory. That proposal was met with an immediate response from National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby, who told reporters, "We want to look for ways to make Ukraine effective, but we don't want escalation."

Not A Proxy War ... please repeat ...

Kirby continued, saying, "It wouldn't be good for Ukrainians, it wouldn't be good for Poles, it wouldn't be good for would not be good for everyone else .... We don't want to give Putin arguments that the war was provoked by NATO, that it is a war between Russia and the West or between Russia and the U.S.

As then-presidential candidate Ronald Reagan responded to President Jimmy Carter during a presidential debate in 1980, "There you go again." Only now, it is more Biden administration escalation paralysis.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 at 04:51:46 PM EST
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