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Is this the beginning of the end of the war in Ukraine? | Responsible Statecraft - 8 Nov 2023 |

The Western media is suddenly teeming with signs of fatigue and even .... diplomacy?

Zelensky is facing pressure both from within Ukraine and from without. Growing pressure from within is coming from both the political and military leadership; growing pressure from without is coming from Ukraine's key partners.

The battle is largely being played out in the Western media. Most intimately, Zelensky has faced criticism from his political inner circle. TIME magazine reports that some of the president's advisors have become worried that his "belief in Ukraine's ultimate victory over Russia . . . "verges on the messianic." One of Zelensky's "closest aides" said that Zelensky "deludes himself." The aide complained, "We're out of options. We're not winning. But try telling him that."

Some Zelensky aides say his intransigence hampers Ukraine's ability to adapt to the changed reality on the battlefield and worry that negotiating a settlement with Russia remains "taboo."

Additional reading...

Next Ukrainian counteroffensive will be more successful, Zelenskyy says

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 at 05:58:08 PM EST
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