Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
IVO DAADLER: What Ukraine needs to do is to mobilize manpower. This is a war being fought by 40-year-olds. No other war in history has been fought by 40-year-olds. < wipes tears > It's time that Ukraine really have a serious conversation. How important is this war and succeeding in this war to them? You can't do that just with 28-, 29-, 30-year-olds let alone 40-year-olds, which is the average age of people on the front line. You need to get 18-year-olds, and you need to get 21-year-olds, which is what every army in the rest of the world relies on
euronews | Ivo Daalder (πρώην Αμερικάνος πρέσβης στο ΝΑΤΟ): Η Ουκρανία πρέπει να στείλει στο μέτωπο 20χρονους, 10 July
Ο Ντάαλντερ, πρώην πρέσβης των ΗΠΑ στο ΝΑΤΟ και νυν διευθύνων σύμβουλος του Συμβουλίου Παγκόσμιων Υποθέσεων του Σικάγο, μίλησε στο euronews στο περιθώριο της συνόδου κορυφής του ΝΑΤΟ στην Ουάσινγκτον, όπου οι σύμμαχοι συγκεντρώθηκαν για να γιορτάσουν τα 75 χρόνια της συμμαχίας.

«Αυτό που πρέπει να κάνει η Ουκρανία είναι να κινητοποιήσει ανθρώπινο δυναμικό. Αυτός είναι ένας πόλεμος που διεξάγεται από 40χρονους. Κανένας άλλος πόλεμος στην ιστορία δεν έχει διεξαχθεί από 40χρονους....

euronews | [US Ambassadof makes statement about Orbán], 10 July
Others, such as former US Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder [60], say Orbán doesn't have the clout to be so disruptive.
euronews | European Commission boycotts Hungarian presidency over Orbán's trips to Moscow and Beijing, 15 July
"Orbán is too insignificant and too small to impact Western security," said Ambassador Daalder. "Ultimately, he's just not important enough. Ultimately, he's not able to set a different course. Ultimately, he has to accede to where the majority, the large majority, to where most of the people want to go," he told Euronews. Daalder, now the CEO of the Chicago Council of Global Affairs, spoke on the < wipes tears > margins of the NATO summit in Washington, where allies are gathering to mark 75 years of the alliance.
bignewsnetwork | Conscript 18-year-olds, Obama-era envoy to NATO tells Kiev, 15 July

archive Blinken delivers, Fraught Mobilization Bill

by Cat on Mon Jul 15th, 2024 at 07:36:50 PM EST

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