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New poll has Trump leading Biden in Virginia

Presidential election intentions

When respondents were asked whom they would vote for if the election for president were held today and they had to decide now, former President Trump, the Republican, slightly leads, with 39% saying they would vote for him, compared with 36% who would vote for President Biden, the Democrat. The difference between the two is less than the margin of error for this poll but sees a shift towards President Trump compared to VCU Wilder School's December Commonwealth poll which had President Biden leading President Trump (43% - 40%).

For the remaining candidates, 9% of Virginians in the new poll say they would vote for Robert Kennedy Jr., 2% for Jill Stein and 1% for Cornel West. Three-quarters of Democrats say they would vote for President Biden, while 82% of Republicans would vote for former President Trump. Six percent of both Democrats and Republicans indicate they would vote for Robert Kennedy Jr. Also, Independents are most likely to vote for Robert Kennedy Jr., with 27% supporting him. Black Virginians are more likely to vote for President Biden (46%), but this number has dropped by 20 points since the winter poll, when 67% supported him.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 at 09:45:13 PM EST
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