Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
"legacy chip over-capacity"
scmp | How Boeing's electronic war fighter runs into China's 'kill web' in the South China Sea, 14 July
..."Cognitive intelligent radar has capabilities such as proactive environmental sensing, arbitrary transmit and receive design, intelligent processing, and resource scheduling. It can effectively counter the complex and variable electromagnetic jamming of the EA-18G," wrote the project team led by Professor Liu Shangfu, a radar expert with the Naval Non-Commissioned Officer School in Bengbu, in southeast China's Anhui province....
on the UPSIDE

kommersant | AI doesn't rush to the machine, 2 July

Artificial intelligence technologies are poorly represented in production
The development and application of artificial intelligence technologies in production as independent solutions in the Russian Federation is still very limited, experts from the Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics (IIEZ)conclude Higher School of Economics. In 2023, only 3% of the total number of advanced manufacturing technologies (APTs) created were related to AI. The share of such solutions in the total number already used in the production of PPTs does not exceed 0.5%....
by Cat on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 at 10:11:37 PM EST

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