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ChatGPT | Joint Chiefs chair: `That'd be great' if Trump ends Ukraine war quickly , 19 July
Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, Brown, whom Trump appointed as Air Force chief of staff before President Joe Biden tapped him to serve as his top military adviser, was asked by Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin to comment on the Republican nominee's pledge to quickly broker a peace deal between Moscow and Kyiv.

"If he can get it done in 24 hours, that'd be great," Brown said. "It stops the conflict ... and then we get back to more global security."

Brown's comments come as worries grow on both sides of the Atlantic that Trump will walk black America's commitments to transatlantic partnerships and reduce military support for Ukraine as it struggles to repel Russia's two-year invasion. Trump's allies have insisted that he will support Ukraine as president, provided that European allies meet their defense spending goals.

by Cat on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 at 07:08:21 PM EST

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